Políticas de Privacidad

I. Company

Total Access Albir S.L.
Soluciones de accesibilidad

Calle Pau Casals 6

03581 El Albir

Alfaz del Pi



This page provides outline information on Total Access and legal information about our Internet presence. For questions about Total Access or ideas about the structure or content of this website, please use the following contact email address:


II. Data protection statement

Thank you for visiting the Total Access website and your interest in our company and products. We take the security of your private data very seriously and would like you to feel secure when visiting our website. In order to properly fulfil your information requests and inform you about our products and services, you may be asked to provide personal data. Entry of these data is entirely voluntary and they will be recorded, saved, processed and/or used according to the data protection regulations applicable in the country where the office responsible for the data processing is registered. They will naturally be handled confidentially. Total Access websites may contain links to websites of other providers. This data protection statement does not apply to these sites.

Total Access utilises technical and organisational security methods in order to protect your data that we manage from accidental or deliberate manipulation, loss, destruction or access by unauthorized persons. Our security measures are continuously improved as technology develops.

Processing personal data

By default, our web servers save the name of your internet service provider, your IP address, the website you came to our website from, the pages you visit and the date and duration of your visit when you visit our website. Beyond this, personal data are only saved if you enter these yourself for, e. g. a registration.

Use and transmission of personal data and predetermination

Total Access uses your personal data collected in relation to website use according to the currently valid personal data protection regulations. This use is related to the use of personal data for technical website administration, customer management and marketing, and is restricted to the extent necessary. Personal data is also recorded when you yourself enter them as part of applications, an enquiry or for a defined purpose. If you order products, we shall only use your personal data within Total Access and affiliated companies and shall not pass them on to third parties without your express permission. The transmission of personal data to state institutions and authorities shall occur only where it is obligatory under national laws. Our employees and agencies have signed confidentiality agreements with us.

Right of access

Upon your request, Total Access will inform you as quickly as possible in writing and according to valid law whether, and if so, which of your personal data we have on record. Should incorrect information be stored in spite of our efforts to maintain correct and up-to-date information, we will correct this according to your wishes. Naturally we will promptly delete your data if you so wish.

Acceptance of the Total Access data protection statement

Through use of this website you accept the data protection statement provided in II. and declare your consent to the terms and conditions described. If you do not consent to the terms and conditions, we would ask you to refrain from using our website and accordingly not to send us any personal data.

If you have any questions or comments on our data protection or wish to veto the use of your personal data for market or opinion research, please write or send an e-mail to info@total-access.es